
Yashar Imanlou

Software Engineer


About Me

Senior Software Engineer working in the field for 9+ years. Highly experienced in the server-side technologies with a focus on scalable architecture. Experienced in developing client-side applications.

My motto is to improve my knowledge to learn new trends every day.


May 2020 - Current


(a supply chain analytics service)

Senior Software Engineer

  • Improving service maintainability by refactoring infrastructure
  • Maintaining & developing the Java/Quarkus MVP with a focus on scaling the business
  • Refining development flow by setting up staging environment & code review, branching & merging guidelines
  • Improving code quality by refactoring to SOLID structure, RESTful architecture & implementing design patterns
  • Help growing my team by mentoring & guiding new members
  • Designing & developing next gen service (microservice architecture on top of Kotlin/Spring Boot)

August 2019 - May 2020


(an enterprise communication solution)

Technical Lead

  • Managing and mentoring my technical team of 14 engineers (Backend, Frontend, Android, DevOps & BI), keeping them challenged & focused
  • Making key technical decisions & setting technical direction for my team by investigating problem areas
  • Driving research, design and implementation of technical specifications for projects based on user requirements
  • Keeping synced with project managers on an Agile/Scrum development process

May 2019 - August 2019

Senior Software Engineer

  • Developing & maintaining a scalable and SOLID Laravel API & Postgres database, object storage of Minio, Redis for storing system configurations, cache and queue
  • Improving & maintaining code quality by following TDD & Gitlab Flow for continuous deployment
  • Running a chat service by customizing & integrating ejabberd
  • Improving development & deployment processes by Dockerizing the services and running CI/CD
  • Maintaining and customizing admin panel using Laravel Nova
  • Setup monitoring by running Sentry, Laravel Horizon & ELK Stack

February 2017 - August 2018

Mega Business Group

(a highly scalable online sale system provider)

Senior Software Engineer

  • Improving team’s skills by training newer technologies and flows (Git, Gitlab Code Review, Agile Development, Stateless Architecture & Scalability Principles)
  • Massively improving service availability during high loads by designing a scalable microservice architecture (flawlessly serving 200K live users on top of Azure)
  • Measure the performance by building a load test mechanism on top of Apache JMeter
  • Rate limiting the users’ requests by building a scalable virtual waiting room using OpenResty (Lua) and Redis
  • Keeping costs low by optimizing Cloud Services (Azure)

September 2017 - August 2018


(an automatic and intelligent micro saving application)

Senior Software Engineer

  • Setting tech guidelines and reviewing & ensuring the tech team’s performance
  • Securing codebase and setting guidelines based on OWASP
  • Setting up a robust deployment process through the bank security layers
  • Reviewing code to ensure they meet the guidelines

December 2014 - November 2019


(a crowdfunding platform)

Technical Co-founder

  • Analyzing & Building a fully functional crowdfunding platform in 3 months (picked PHP Laravel, MySQL & Blade to rapidly create the system & run queue & caching on Redis)
  • Structuring the tech team on Laravel, Vue.js, Sass & Nunjucks stack, developing on GitFlow workflow

July 2014 - April 2015

Sisbun | Sante

(a nutrition and diet expert system | an organic healthy food provider)

Software Engineer

  • Picking PHP Laravel (fast growing community & low learning curve) & MySQL as the technology stack
  • Architecting & developing a simple food industry JIT ERP
  • Architecting & developing the nutrition expert system

2011 - 2014


Web Developer

  • Developing websites for small businesses and brands



LPI Certified Level 1 (LPIC-1)

  • LPI ID: LPI000245774
  • Verification Code: fuam29zsz2
  • Certificate Verification

    Novell Certified Linux Administrator (NCLA)

    Certificate File

    LPI Linux Essentials (LE-1)

  • LPI ID: LPI000245774
  • Verification Code: rcb3h6q9jf
  • Certificate Verification

    Volunteer Experiences



    Mentoring in a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others, often including domain experts, collaborate intensively on software projects.

    Pitch Bootcamp


    Mentoring in the world-class career accelerator programme that helps university students to discover their skills and meet awesome companies.

    Startup Weekend


    Mentoring in a 54-hour weekend event, during which groups of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more pitch ideas for new startup companies, form teams around those ideas, and work to develop a working prototype, demo, or presentation in 3 days.